Secure Land

A Sacred Space for Our Growing Community

As our Muslim community in Sacramento continues to expand, the need for a comprehensive and welcoming space becomes increasingly vital. We envision developing a new facility that will encompass not only a mosque but also a school and a community center, providing a multi-purpose hub for worship, education, and communal activities.

Invest in a Sacred Legacy

the Quran teaches us about the value of establishing spaces for knowledge and spiritual growth. In Surah At-Tawbah (9:18), it is stated, “The mosques of Allah are only to be maintained by those who believe in Allah and the Last Day and establish prayer and give zakah and fear none but Allah.” This verse underscores the sacredness of maintaining places of worship and community gathering.

The First Crucial Step: Securing the Land

1. Why Land is Essential

Foundation of Our Project

Securing a suitable plot of land is the cornerstone of realizing our vision. A large enough space is essential for accommodating a mosque, a school, and a community center, all of which are integral to meeting our community’s diverse needs.

Strategic Location

We are seeking at least 2 acres of land in Sacramento that meets our criteria for accessibility, community integration, and zoning regulations. This size is crucial to ensure that the school can accommodate all students and the community center can host various activities and gatherings.

2. Cost and Funding Goal

Estimated Land Cost

The cost of acquiring the land ranges between $500,000 and $1,000,000. This investment is vital for laying the groundwork for our mosque, school, and community center.

Current Fundraising Goal

We need your generous contributions to reach this goal. Your donations are essential for securing the land and enabling us to move forward with the construction of these critical facilities.

3. Our Commitment and Actions

Active Search

We will actively begin our search for suitable land once we approach our fundraising goal. By reaching this milestone, we will be better positioned to work with real estate experts and local authorities.


We will keep you updated with regular progress reports, including site visits, cost evaluations, and negotiations. Your trust and support are crucial as we navigate this process.

4. How You Can Make a Difference

Contribute Now

Your donation will help us reach our fundraising target and secure the land needed for our mosque, school, and community center. Every contribution, no matter the size, brings us closer to making this vision a reality.

Support the Vision

By contributing, you are investing in a space that will benefit our entire community for years to come. Your support will help establish a place of worship, learning, and fellowship.

Join Us in Making This Vision a Reality

Donate today to help us secure the land and begin building our future.
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